8 Life Changing War Room Prayers To Protect Your Marriage

Life Coaching, Marriage, Mental Health, Routines & Habits, Uncategorized

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One thing I have learned after 13 years of marriage is that prayer is NOT the last resort–it is the first line of defense against any attack. This is especially true in regards to marriage.

The enemy will find any crack in your marriage in order to weasel his way into your relationship. He is slimy and full of darkness.

But our most powerful weapon against that little jerk is always prayer.

It seems like every day, I am receiving prayer requests from friends and readers of this blog–about their marriage troubles. It’s scary, guys–I’m talking about marriages that I never thought would waver.

I have written these prayers in an effort to combat the enemy in my own marriage and build up my husband so that he is fully protected. I encourage every wife or future wife to pray these same prayers!


Pray for His Spiritual Relationship with Christ:

“Father, I am so thankful that my husband carries you in his heart and that he is fully aware of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Please continue to guard his heart and everything that flows from it (Prov. 4:23). I humbly ask that you help him to grow in the grace and knowledge of your love and sacrifice (2 Peter 3:18) and that he gives YOU the glory forever. Amen.”

Pray that He Will be the Spiritual Leader in Your Home:

“Oh Lord, thank you for raising my husband up to be a servant of Christ. I pray that you will instill in him, a leader’s heart. Help him to know that just as Christ has authority over every man; he too has authority over our home (1 Cor. 11:3).  Help him to treat every member of our family with love and respect and to honor God with his gentle spirit (1 Peter 3:7). Father, I ask for blessings upon blessings for my husband as he honors you by leading our household. In Your name, Amen.”


Pray that He Has a Heart for His Children:

“God, thanks for blessing me by making my husband the father of our Children. I ask that you continue to speak through his lips and pour out Life on our kids. Please Father, help him to have the gift of patience and to not provoke the children to anger by nagging or scolding—that he may bring them up with loving discipline that is approved by God. I humbly ask that you place Godly advice and suggestions on the tip of his tongue at all times (Eph. 6:4). ) Our inheritance in great when we serve the Lord (Col.3:24). Father, help my husband to pass that on to our children by being a good example. Amen.”

Pray for His Physical & Mental Health:

“Oh Lord—thank you for protecting my husband from sickness. I pray that you will continue to protect him from any harm—both physical and mental. Help him to treat his body and mind as the home of the Holy Spirit and to fully surrender it back to the Lord as a living sacrifice (1 Cor. 6:19). Father, I know it is not easy, but please give him a supernatural strength to overcome any obstacles that stand in his way. Father, guard his mind—that he not be conformed by this world, but rather he is transformed by the renewal of his mind. I ask that what pleases the Father will also please my husband (Rom. 12:2). I pray all of this in your Son’s precious name, Amen.”


Pray that He has Success at Work:

“Lord, you have blessed me with a husband who works hard for our family—thank you for that! Your Word says that we do not labor in vain if we are steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). Please continue to nurture and grow those qualities in my husband. Father, you did not give us a spirit that makes us timid, but one that gives us power, love, and self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7). I pray that my husband will become a leader at his job and be a man of integrity and influence—and that he will give all the glory to God. Amen.”

Pray that He Can Resist Temptation:

“Father God, I pray a hedge of protection around the heart, eyes, and ears of my husband—that anything meant for foolishness, lust, or crude humor be stamped out and ignored—in Your name, Father! (Eph. 3:5) I ask that my husband’s desire only be for me, his wife (Songs 7:10). Your Word says that the mind governed by the flesh is death but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Rom. 8:6). Father, thank you in advance for your faithfulness to my husband and to my marriage to him. In your name, Amen.”


Pray for His Friends & Mentors:

“Dear God, thank you for raising up trusted men who are able to mentor and teach my husband YOUR truths (2 Tim. 2:2). I humbly ask that you help my husband to seek out those who are seeking out YOU. Bring Godly men around him and remove any negative influences. Father, I also ask that give my husband a merciful spirit so that he may be an example to those with unbelief. Make him a willing and hardworking disciple; who by his actions—will bring others to Christ. Your Word says that iron sharpens iron just as one man sharpens another. Thank you for that truth.  And all the glory will be to God—Amen.”

Pray for Your Husband’s Relationship with You:

“Oh God—thank you for the precious soul of my husband and thank you for the relationship that you have blessed so deeply. Help us to remain one flesh (Gen. 2:24) and allow our marriage to bring glory to YOU. Above all, help us to love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet. 4:8). May we be devoted to one another in love and honor each other above ourselves (Rom. 12:10). Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to our marriage. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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2 thoughts on “8 Life Changing War Room Prayers To Protect Your Marriage

  1. Excellent and beautiful advice on how to protect our precious marriages. I’ve been married for 45 years, and this post reminds me of the importance of praying continually for my husband. Thanks. 🤗


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